Spotlight highlights research-based findings only, authored by members of the Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership (CeFEO) at Jönköping International Business School. If you’re interested in knowing more about the studies presented in this platform or delving into the theoretical and methodological details, we encourage you to contact the authors or read the full article for a comprehensive understanding.
Melander, A., Brunninge, O., Andersson, D., Elgh, F., & Löfving, M. (2024). Management innovation in SMEs – taking psychological ownership of Hoshin Kanri. Production Planning & Control, 35(14), 1687-1705.
Michiels, A., & Binz-Astrachan, C. (2024). Money education in the business family: A perspective article. Journal of Family Business Management.
Naldi, L., Nordqvist, M., Chirico, F., Gómez-Mejia, L., Ashforth, B. E., Swartz, R., & Melin, L. (2024). From FIBER to FIRE: Construct validation and refinement of the socioemotional wealth scale in family firms. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development.
Pinelli, M., Chirico, F., De Massis, A., & Zattoni, A. (2023). Acquisition relatedness in family firms: Do the environment and the institutional context matter? Journal of Management Studies, 61(4).
Pongelli, C., Majocchi, A., Bauweraerts, J., Sciascia, S., Caroli, M., & Verbeke, A. (2023). The impact of board of directors’ characteristics on the internationalization of family SMEs. Journal of World Business, 58(2023), 101412.
Sandgren, M., Uman, T., & Nordqvist, M. (2024). The role of the strategic apex in shaping the disclosure strategy: A family firm in crisis. The British Accounting Review, 56(1), Article 101302.
Sieger, P., Akhter, N., & Chirico, F. (2023). Rural and Urban Family Business Portfolio Growth: The Role of Entrepreneurial Legacy. Family Business Review, 36(4), 375–401.
Strano, S. M., Botero, I. C., Fediuk, T. A., & Pisano, V. (2024). Understanding customer’s post-M&A intentions and behaviors: The role of the family business brand and previous reputation of the acquiring firm. Journal of Family Business Management.
Tessema, D. A., Brunninge, O., & Cestino, J. (2024). Transmission of entrepreneurial values in enterprising families: A systematic literature review. Journal of Family Business Management.
Wu, S., Chirico, F., Fan, D., Ding, J., & Su, Y. (2024). Foreign market exit in family firms: Do historical military and cultural frictions matter? Journal of World Business, 59, 101504.
Wu, Z., Naldi, L., Wennberg, K., & Uman, T. (2024). Learning from their daughters: Family exposure to gender disparity and female representation in male-led ventures. Management Science, 70(2), 671-693.
Yang, T., Kacperczyk, A., & Naldi, L. (2024). The motherhood wage penalty and female entrepreneurship. Organization Science, 35(1), 27-51.