Spotlight belyser endast forskningsbaserade resultat, författade av medlemmar i Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership (CeFEO) vid Jönköping International Business School. Om du är intresserad av att veta mer om studierna som presenteras på denna plattform eller fördjupa dig i de teoretiska och metodologiska detaljerna uppmuntrar vi dig att kontakta författarna eller läsa hela artikeln för en mer omfattande förståelse.
Almlöf, H., & Sjögren, H. (2023). Owner-manager when death do us part – roles of a widow in sudden succession in family firms. Journal of Family Business Management, 13(2), 432–452.
Andric, M., Wei-Jun Hsueh, J., Zellweger, T., & Hatak, I. (2024). Parental divorce in early life and entrepreneurial performance in adulthood. Journal of Business Venturing, 39, 106390.
Arshad, N., & Berndt, A. (2023). Expanding understanding of family social capital in crowdfunding of migrant entrepreneurial ventures. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 17(1), 182–207.
Bauweraerts, J., Cirillo, A., & Sciascia, S. (2024). Socioemotional wealth and tax aggressiveness in private family firms: The role of the CEO’s characteristics. Family Business Review, 37(3), 370–395.
Baù, M., Karlsson, J., Haag, K., Pittino, D., & Chirico, F. (2024). Employee layoffs in times of crisis: Do family firms differ? Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 36(5-6), 722-744 (open access).
Block, J. H., Hirschmann, M., Kranz, T., & Neuenkirch, M. (2023). Public family firms and economic inequality across societies. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 19, e00376.
Block, J., Lambrecht, D., Willeke, T., Cucculelli, M., & Meloni, D. (2024). Green patents and green trademarks as indicators of green innovation. Research Policy, 54, 105138.
Boers, B., Ljungkvist, T., & Brunninge, O. (2024). Ceasing to communicate public family firm identity: The decoupling of internally experienced and externally communicated identities. Journal of Family Business Management, 14(1), 199-224.
Brumana, M., Madonna, A., Campopiano, G., & Boffelli, A. (2024). Orientation towards environmental sustainability in European family versus nonfamily firms: The role of policymaker engagement and incentives. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development.
Brunelli, S., Sciascia, S., & Baù, M. (2023). Nonfinancial reporting in family firms: A systematic review and agenda for future research. Business Strategy and the Environment.
Brunelli, S., Vena, L., Sciascia, S., & Naldi, L. (2024). Does family power drive the size transition of entrepreneurial family firms? A study on the growth of Italian manufacturing firms. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development.
Campopiano, G., Brumana, M., Baù, M., & Calabrò, A. (2024). External corporate venturing in family firms: a behavioural perspective. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development.
Carbone, E., Campopiano, G., Cirillo, A., & Mussolino, D. (2024). Why and how do family firms go public? A socioemotional wealth perspective of IPO. Family Business Review, 1–31.
Chang, F. Y. M., Webster, C. M., Alam, M. A., & Chirico, F. (2024). Entrepreneurs' network bricolage: Reconfiguring social ties for resource creation. Journal of Business Research, 185, 114931.
Chirico, F., & Kellermanns, F. W. (2024). When does time enhance family firm performance? Examining family generation in control and family control dispersion through a mixed-gamble logic. Long Range Planning, 57, 102272.
Chirico, F., Ireland, R. D., Pittino, D., & Sanchez-Famoso, V. (2024). Resource orchestration, socioemotional wealth, and radical innovation in family firms: Do multifamily ownership and generational involvement matter? Research Policy, 54(1), 105106.
Chirico, F., Naldi, L., Hitt, M. A., Sieger, P., Sirmon, D. G., & Xu, K. (2023). Orchestrating resources with suppliers for product innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 41(4), 735–767.
Criaco, G., & Naldi, L. (2024). A chip off the old block: Founders' prior experience and the geographic diversification of export sales in international new ventures. Journal of Business Venturing, 39, 106343.
Ehlers, A., Rumble, R., Binz-Astrachan, C., & Baù, M. (2024). Fulfillment or status: Job seekers’ reward expectations towards family and non-family employers. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 15(4), 100634 (open access).
Evansluong, Q. V. D., Ramirez-Pasillas, M., Discua Cruz, A., Elo, M., & Vershinina, N. (2023). Migrant entrepreneurship and the roles of family beyond place and space: towards a family resourcefulness across borders perspective. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 17(1), 1-15.