Spotlight highlights research-based findings only, authored by members of the Centre for Family Entrepreneurship and Ownership (CeFEO) at Jönköping International Business School. If you’re interested in knowing more about the studies presented in this platform or delving into the theoretical and methodological details, we encourage you to contact the authors or read the full article for a comprehensive understanding.
Almlöf, H., & Sjögren, H. (2023). Owner-manager when death do us part – roles of a widow in sudden succession in family firms. Journal of Family Business Management, 13(2), 432–452.
Andric, M., Wei-Jun Hsueh, J., Zellweger, T., & Hatak, I. (2024). Parental divorce in early life and entrepreneurial performance in adulthood. Journal of Business Venturing, 39, 106390.
Arshad, N., & Berndt, A. (2023). Expanding understanding of family social capital in crowdfunding of migrant entrepreneurial ventures. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy, 17(1), 182–207.
Bauweraerts, J., Cirillo, A., & Sciascia, S. (2024). Socioemotional wealth and tax aggressiveness in private family firms: The role of the CEO’s characteristics. Family Business Review, 37(3), 370–395.
Baù, M., Karlsson, J., Haag, K., Pittino, D., & Chirico, F. (2024). Employee layoffs in times of crisis: Do family firms differ? Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 36(5-6), 722-744 (open access).
Block, J. H., Hirschmann, M., Kranz, T., & Neuenkirch, M. (2023). Public family firms and economic inequality across societies. Journal of Business Venturing Insights, 19, e00376.
Block, J., Lambrecht, D., Willeke, T., Cucculelli, M., & Meloni, D. (2024). Green patents and green trademarks as indicators of green innovation. Research Policy, 54, 105138.
Boers, B., Ljungkvist, T., & Brunninge, O. (2024). Ceasing to communicate public family firm identity: The decoupling of internally experienced and externally communicated identities. Journal of Family Business Management, 14(1), 199-224.
Brumana, M., Madonna, A., Campopiano, G., & Boffelli, A. (2024). Orientation towards environmental sustainability in European family versus nonfamily firms: The role of policymaker engagement and incentives. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development.
Brunelli, S., Sciascia, S., & Baù, M. (2023). Nonfinancial reporting in family firms: A systematic review and agenda for future research. Business Strategy and the Environment.
Brunelli, S., Vena, L., Sciascia, S., & Naldi, L. (2024). Does family power drive the size transition of entrepreneurial family firms? A study on the growth of Italian manufacturing firms. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development.
Campopiano, G., Brumana, M., Baù, M., & Calabrò, A. (2024). External corporate venturing in family firms: a behavioural perspective. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development.
Carbone, E., Campopiano, G., Cirillo, A., & Mussolino, D. (2024). Why and how do family firms go public? A socioemotional wealth perspective of IPO. Family Business Review, 1–31.
Chang, F. Y. M., Webster, C. M., Alam, M. A., & Chirico, F. (2024). Entrepreneurs' network bricolage: Reconfiguring social ties for resource creation. Journal of Business Research, 185, 114931.
Chirico, F., & Kellermanns, F. W. (2024). When does time enhance family firm performance? Examining family generation in control and family control dispersion through a mixed-gamble logic. Long Range Planning, 57, 102272.
Chirico, F., Ireland, R. D., Pittino, D., & Sanchez-Famoso, V. (2024). Resource orchestration, socioemotional wealth, and radical innovation in family firms: Do multifamily ownership and generational involvement matter? Research Policy, 54(1), 105106.
Chirico, F., Naldi, L., Hitt, M. A., Sieger, P., Sirmon, D. G., & Xu, K. (2023). Orchestrating resources with suppliers for product innovation. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 41(4), 735–767.
Criaco, G., & Naldi, L. (2024). A chip off the old block: Founders' prior experience and the geographic diversification of export sales in international new ventures. Journal of Business Venturing, 39, 106343.
Delle, M. T., & Segaro, L. (2023). Workplace spirituality and entrepreneurial behavior among employees in organizations: The role of psychological ownership. Journal of Enterprising Communities: People and Places in the Global Economy.
Ehlers, A., Rumble, R., Binz-Astrachan, C., & Baù, M. (2024). Fulfillment or status: Job seekers’ reward expectations towards family and non-family employers. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 15(4), 100634 (open access).