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Ge, B., Hamilton, E., & Haag, K. (2024). An Entrepreneurship-as-practice perspective of next-generation becoming family businesses successors: The role of discursive artefacts. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 36(3–4), 489–515 (open access).
Genedy, M., Hellerstedt, K., Naldi, L., & Wiklund, J. (2024). Growing pains in scale-ups: How scaling affects new venture employee burnout and job satisfaction. Journal of Business Venturing, 39, 106367.
Gil, M., Thor, K., & Gemheden, A. (2024). Managing the tensions between tradition and innovation in family firms. Journal of Family Business Management.
Gil, M., Uman, T., Hiebl, M. R. W., & Seifner, S. (2024). Auditing in family firms: Past trends and future research directions. Journal of Small Business Management.
Gjergji, R., Vena, L., Campopiano, G., Sciascia, S., & Cortesi, A. (2024). Strategy disclosure and cost of capital: The key role of women directors for family firms. Journal of Family Business Strategy, 15(1), 100570.
Haag, K., Achtenhagen, L., & Grimm, J. (2023). Engaging with the category: Exploring family business longevity from a historical perspective. Family Business Review, 36(1), 84-118.
Hashim, S., McAdam, M., & Nordqvist, M. (2024). An exploration of women entrepreneurs “doing context” in family business in the Gulf States. International Journal of Gender and Entrepreneurship, 16(2), 227–255.
Hellerstedt, K., Uman, T., & Wennberg, K. (2024). Fooled by diversity? When diversity initiatives exacerbate rather than mitigate bias and inequality. Academy of Management Perspectives, 38(1), 23–42.
How workplace spirituality sparks entrepreneurial behavior: the key role of psychological ownership
Hsueh, J. W.-J., De Massis, A., & Gomez-Mejia, L. (2023). Examining heterogeneous configurations of socioemotional wealth in family firms through the formalization of corporate social responsibility strategy. Family Business Review, 36(2), 172–198.
Jenkins, A., Achtenhagen, L., & Hellerstedt, K. (2024). Back to work? How employers perceive applicants' experience of entrepreneurial failure. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 36(5-6), 659-680.
Jungk, S., & Waldkirch, M. (2024). When crises meet grand environmental challenges: Navigating intertemporal tensions in European manufacturing family firms. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 36(3-4), 535-559.
Kanji, S., & Vershinina, N. (2024). Gendered transitions to self-employment and business ownership: A linked-lives perspective. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 36(7-8), 922-939.
Kuiken, A., Naldi, L., & Genedy, M. (2024). Keeping one’s options open: Intermittent exporting, family control, and foreign background. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 48(5), 1160-1190.
Lampe, H. W., Block, J., Willeke, T., Clauss, T., & Steinmetz, H. (2024). Technological innovations of hidden champions: Evidence from patent data. Journal of Product Innovation Management, 1–26.
Lorenzen, S., Gerken, M., Steinmetz, H., Block, J., Hülsbeck, M., & Lux, F. S. (2024). Environmental Sustainability of Family Firms: A Meta-Analysis of Handprint and Footprint. Entrepreneurship Theory and Practice, 10422587231221799.
Maggi, B., Pongelli, C., & Sciascia, S. (2023). Family firms and international equity-based entry modes: A systematic literature review. Multinational Business Review, 31(1), 38-63.
Malki, B. (2024). Financial ambidexterity of the immigrant family businesses: The role of boundary work and behavioral complexity. International Journal of Entrepreneurship and Small Business, 53(1), 21-41.
Manzi, M. A., Cirillo, A., Mussolino, D., & Uman, T. (2024). Early adoption of non‐financial disclosure in family firms. European Management Review.
Martínez-Alonso, R., Martínez-Romero, M. J., Rojo-Ramírez, A. A., Lazzarotti, V., & Sciascia, S. (2023). Process innovation in family firms: Family involvement in management, R&D collaboration with suppliers, and technology protection. Journal of Business Research, 157, 113581.